It was renamed Youth Training in 1989 and is provided by the employer-led Training and Enterprise Councils.
The government promised to provide a youth training place for all unemployed school leavers and as a consequence withdraw the social security.
Unfortunately the want for these places has been poor and has left problems for the youth school leavers to face such as financial stress and worry.
Youth Training Considered
- Just another way of enforcing cheap labour
- That it does not provide the youth population with the training and high-technology skills that the future will require of them
- That the schemes are grossly underpaid
There are also similar schemes known as Modern Apprenticeships which are Education and training schemes, they are usually well managed and have moved with the times and needs of the modern school leavers.

It can however become confusing with all the various entry requirements when decisions are being made on Your future career, do not feel alone because there are Job Advisers whom are normally happy to help with advice and explanations on the entry requirements.
Do not be worried about asking the right people for careers advice as most of us at school leaving age are unsure of which type of employment will suit us.
The best agencies that provide advice, support and information about education, training and employment schemes in your area are as follows:-
- Careers service
- Further education college
- Your local Connexions Partnership
All of the above mentioned bodies can give you excellent ideas of what options are available to You.
The careers service remains to be a free service as long as:-
- You are still in full-time education
- You are unemployed
- Up until you are 19 years if you do happen to be in employment.
Both of these schemes will promise to provide You with necessary work experience suited to Your choice and qualifications such as an NVQ or equivalent which always compliments Your curriculum Vitae.