Potty training is a gradual process for your child and cannot be forced or rushed. The potty training process plays a vital role and has to be appealing to your toddler. If the child is not comfortable with their potty then they will not use it for you. Help your toddler to choose their own pot which they will benefit more from and therefore the whole potty training process will run more smoothly.On average your toddler will be ready for toilet training at around 18 months old, but in the case of a special needs child the process may come later due to their condition. This is not a huge problem though as the end result of the potty training procedure will still be the same for any type of child or toddler…its just a matter of time and patience.
It is well worth taking notes and starting the Potty Training process as soon as you believe your toddler is ready, a mothers instinct is usually right and using the pot becomes more achievable for you and your child. Try to make it enjoyable for your toddler on the pot and remain calm always even if your child has accidents, these are to be expected from potty training a toddler.
Potty Training Prior to Starting
Before starting the Potty Training procedure there are a few things that you should know about your child.
- The child must be able to sit on a pot to begin training.
- The toddler must have a mature enough nervous system.
- The child must be able to indicate when wet or need their pot.
- The toddler must feel comfortable and happy when using the pot always.
Potty Training Information
At 15 months old a child can usually indicate when they are wet or need to use the pot so this would be a good time to start toilet training. By the time the child reaches 18 months of age they may well be able to indicate beforehand and request the pot when they need to use the toilet.
The child must be able to sit comfortably before you begin the potty training procedure as it can be difficult to accomplish until the toddler can do so.
When training for the toilet or pot the girls seem to train much easier than boys, nobody knows for sure why this is so but boys may require more stories about toilet and using the pot, but you will know your own child best and what they can accomplish.
It is a well known fact that a child can acieve bowel control before the bladder control so take this into consideration before you begin the potty training procedure, usually by the time the child has reached about 2 years old their bowel control now becomes more evident.
At around 2.1/2 years to 3 years old the child can manage to remain dry during the daytimes. This is due to perseverance with your toddler when potty training, however night time bladder control in a toddler takes much longer than the daytime and patience is advised.
In fact 20% to 25% of children aged 5 years are still wet at night times.
Treatment would normally start if your child was still wet at night times and aged between 6 and 7 years old. By the time you child reaches an age of 10 years, 1 in 2000 children are still wet at night times.
A child being wet at night times is called Nocturnal Enuresis.
Potty Training Helpful Hints
- Do not force your child to use the potty
- Try to make using the pot exciting for your toddler.
- Praise your toddler for using the pot even if they do not pass anything.
- Encourage potty training by talking to your toddler about it.
- Teach your child to sit down on the pot or toilet.
- Try not to have too high expectations as your toddler can find the whole process of potty training tedious.
- Talk to your child constantly whilst using the pot.
- Maintain good eye contact with your child whilst they are on the pot.
- Keep hold of your toddler by the hand….This gives security whilst your child uses the pot.
- Read stories with your toddler about the potty training and praise the child in the story.
- Try to have the pot in an open space, this will be more comfortable for your toddler when using their pot.
- Have the pot close by in case your child needs it and gives little warning.
- Have the pot easy for your toddler to get to, obstructions are also distractions as a mother of a toddler would know.
- Keep your child in easy to take off clothes when attempting the potty training procedure.
- Always keep the pot or toilet hygienically clean, your toddler can help you to do this.
- Check that the potty is the correct shape and size for your toddler.
- Make sure that your toddler is ready to use the pot or toilet.
- Stay with your child always whilst using they use the pot.
- Keep the potty in the same place so that your child can always find it.
- Persevere with your toddler whilst they are undergoing the potty training procedure.
- Get your child to choose their own pot.
- Never bribe your child to use the toilet or pot.
- Do not rush your toddler to the toilet as this too is a gradual process.
- Have one pot upstairs and one pot downstairs for convenience of your toddler.
- Place the pot down for your toddler on a suitable surface, not your best rug.
- Make sure that the temperature of the room is suitable for your child when going through the potty training procedure.
- Have your toddler some toys nearby or using the pot could soon become a punishment.
- Encourage your toddler and their hand washing when potty training even if your child does not pass anything.
- Train your child to use the pot after meals and before going to bed.
- Begin to use trainer pants for your toddler aswell as using the pot.
- DO NOT revert back to nappies or diapers once you have set the potty training procedure in place as this is a backwards step for your toddler.
- Keep tissues or wipes near to the pot and make sure your toddler uses them.
- Ensure that all carers and family of your toddler have the same attitude when starting the potty training procedure (Team efforts are best).
- Try not to encourage your child to use the pot as a toy.
- DO NOT get annoyed if there are accidents as this is to be expected when toiletting.
Once potty training or regular toilet visits have started you cannot give up, no matter how your toddler reacts the process and training must be followed through if you are to be sucessful.
Signs of weakness will show your child that they are able to choose whether to use the pot to begin potty training or whether they can decide against the pot which is not a good idea, you must remain authoritive with your toddler and see the potty training procedure through to the end result.
Remember to keep up the praise for your toddler every time they use the pot and they will soon learn that using the pot is good because Mummy is happy when they do. Your toddler only wants to please you at the end of the day so training them for the pot is good for your child.
Just keep in mind that you and your toddler can potty train together, the rewards that can be earned through a good potty training procedure are endless. Your toddler will look back on these times as extra bonding time between you both and at the end of the day if you have a happy child you are more likely to be a sucessful parent just as the toddler will be sucessful with the pot and complete the training.