There are 12 factors of this vitamin in total, but the more significant ones are listed below, all of which are soluble in water and are in many of the same common foods.
Vitamin B complex comprises of:-
- Vitamin B 1 – Thiamin
- Vitamin B 2 – Riboflavin
- Vitamin B 3 – Niacin
- Vitamin B 5 – Pantothenic Acid
- Vitamin B 6 – Pyridoxine
- Vitamin B 9 – Folic Acid
- Vitamin B 12 – Cyanocobamin
Vitamin B Food Groups and Sources
Bread Cereal and Pulse
There are no sources found within the Bread, Cereal and Pulse food group, but can still be incorporated into a healthy and well balanced diet though due to the other food groups having a wide range of sources available.
Fresh Fruits
There are no sources found within the Fresh Fruits food group, but can still be incorporated into a healthy and well balanced diet though due to the other food groups having a wide range of sources available.
Fresh Vegetables
There are no sources found within the Fresh Vegetables food group, but can still be incorporated into a healthy and well balanced diet though due to the other food groups having a wide range of sources available.
Meat and Poultry
There are extremely rich sources of Vitamin B found within these meats in the Meat and Poultry food group. It can be incorporated into a healthy and well balanced diet with ease nowadays to to the wide range of meat and poultry available to us through supermarkets.

- Braised Brisket
- Pot Roast Beef
- Frankfurters
- Lamb Chops
- Liver
- Pork
- Veal
- Chicken
- Turkey
Fish and Seafood
There are extremely good sources found within the Fish and Seafood food group. It can be incorporated into a healthy and well balanced diet with ease due to having a wide range of Fish and Seafood being available in the local supermarkets nowadays.

- Cod
- Catfish
- Crabmeat
- Haddock
- Lobster
- Mackerel
- Oysters
- Salmon
- Scallops
- Shrimp
- Swordfish
- Trout
- Tuna
Dairy Produce
There are very good sources found within the Dairy Produce food group. It can be incorporated into a healthy and well balanced diet with ease due to the amount of choices and availability with Dairy Produce nowadays.

- Cottage Cheese
- Eggs
- Milk (Skimmed or Semi Skimmed is best)
- Rice Pudding
- Yoghurts