Children’s needs must be met by all parents and guardians, this is a fact! Children’s needs are vital to them living a healthy life and our role in life as parents is to ensure the health and well being of our children. A cuddle with your child when they are hurt would be the most natural thing to do, so why are other children’s needs so easily overlooked. The needs of a child are simpler to achieve than you would think, look at the child’s needs as basic rights in life and you can’t go wrong. Children must eat a well balanced diet, which is essential for thriving in life. Children need to have fresh air and exercise every day, this is their right. Children need to feel emotionally secure in their family environment, another basic right. Children must have access to a stimulating learning environment, playing with toys and spending quality time teaching is very beneficial. Children need to have their needs met because the welfare of a child is paramount! I am a single parent myself have successfully met and maintained all of my daughters needs, she has thrived in life with a loving relationship with both myself and her father.