Meningitis Glass Test can detect the meningitis septicaemia rash and is easy to perform. Use the meningitis glass test to see what happens to the meningitis septicaemia rash when you roll it over the skin. Familiarise yourself with how to perform the glass test and practise often because knowing how to perform this test could save the life of your child.
Even if you are unsure try the glass test , you will put your mind at rest if it is not meningitis and act quickly if it is meningitis, either way the test will give you the answer.
How to perform the Meningitis Glass Test
- Get a small clear glass tumbler
- Hold the glass on the skin where the septicaemia rash is visible
- Roll the glass over the septicaemia rash
- Observe the glass closely
- If the meningitis septicaemia rash DOES NOT DISSAPPEAR under the glass test then go to the hospital immediately!
- If the rash fades or does dissappear under the glass test then contact your childs Gp and have your child double checked anyway.
For the tumbler test always keep a clean clear glass tumbler easily accessible so that you are able to carry out the meningitis glass test if needed.
Practice the meningitis glass test often so that you are familiar with your childs usual skin complexion and will know immediately when the septicaemia rash may be present. The glass test is a proven method of diagnosing the Septacaemia rash that is associated with having meningitis so find out how to use the meningitis glass test now.