Measles Rubeola

Measles rubeola
Measles Rubeola
Measles Rubeola is probably the most common childhood illness that we as parents will encounter in our children, usually it is a mild strain of measles because children in the UK tend to be vaccinated against measles rubeola from a young age, but following the latest epidemic in South Wales in 2013 it is evident that an outbreak of the measles rubeola virus is a direct consequence of not having the vaccinations that were recommended.

It is a viral illness that infects the skin and the respiratory tract although it is also referred to as the 10 day Measles. Measles Rubeola is spread by droplet infection and is highly contagious amongst children, causing a Kopliks rash of spots which are a whole body skin rash and mild flu symptoms.

Measles Rubeola can also be fatal to those communities which have a low immunity to the infection. Possible complications associated with Measles Rubeola are few but also can be severe. Pneumonia, Meningitis or Encephalitis are the most common, but some pregnant women have been known to have a miscarriage or a premature delivery due to Measles Rubeola. Once again Measles Rubeola is on the increase after a long period of very few reported cases.

Signs and Symptoms

Measles rubeola kopliks rash
Kopliks Rash
  • Kopliks rash of spots (red rash) starting from the ears and forehead and spreading to the rest of the body.
  • Fever (39oC+)
  • Sneezing
  • Sore and runny nose
  • Severe dry cough
  • Sore eyes and throat

Incubation Period

The Incubation Period for Measles Rubeola is 7 to 14 Days after exposure.


Limit the amount of TV
Limit the amount of TV viewing

Try to limit your childs reading or TV viewing because, Measles Rubeola tends to exacerbate the childs sensitivity to light which can make the eyes more irritable. (NO TV at all would be advisable)

Usually Measles Rubeola clears up on it’s own without medical treatment, but be sure to maintain your childs fluid intake and prevent the spread of infection to other children. Maintain constant observation of your childs temperature, but if you are concerned then contact your Childs GP for medical advice and treatment of Measles Rubeola.


Vaccinations against measles Rubeola
Vaccinations are advisable

Vaccinations against measles Rubeola are advisable and they should be administered to children between 12 and 15 monthsof age. It is a worry for some parents about vaccinating their children because of reported side effects with the combined MMR, but catching measles when not vaccinated is so much worse.

The vaccinations are readily available at your local health centres. Vaccinations against Measles Rubeola are excellent, but are considered to be more effective and less traumatic when combined with the Mumps and Rubella (MMR).