Behaviour is displayed in everything we do. On Lone Parenting we look at common types of problems that cause worry and anxiety in the family unit. The biggest issue surrounding our children is bullying and that opens a whole new area to be analysed. The best description is choices that we make and the affect that these choices have on other people. Read the bullying articles on here for an insight into how a bully impacts on others. Also commonly linked are the problems associated with learning, for example Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Syndrome (ADHD) behaviour. This mainly affects the behaviour at school rather than at home because of the pressure to engage in lessons. teachers can often spot behavioural problems long before parents because of the pressure that some children feel when they are forced to learn at school. More behaviour articles will appear on here shortly as progress on this site is on-going. Parents don’t always realise how their children are when they are not at home and what choices and decisions they make. These articles may shed some light on situations that children can find themselves in due to choices regarding behaviour, even if these choices are made through no fault of their own..