Pregnancy Weeks 5 to 7

Pregnancy weeks 5 to 7 is an exciting time during the first trimester of pregnancy. Pregnancy weeks 5 to 7 show massive growth and development happening with the foetus, but also details the changes that mum is going through during pregnancy weeks 5 to 7. Enjoy viewing our detailed pregnancy weeks 5 to 7 guide. We will be looking at the developing foetus from week 5 of pregnancy up to week 7 of pregnancy.

Pregnancy Week 5

Week 5

Pregnancy week 5 shows no visible signs through your appearance and your regular menstrual period is Pregnancy Week Five one week late. Contemplation of whether you are pregnant or not is beginning to cross your mind. You should be certain at this stage of pregnancy however some women who have had irregular menstrual periods might not have realised that you are indeed pregnant.

The size of the embryo is now about 5mm in length and bears more resemblance to a tadpole than of a baby, but the expected growth this week will change the appearance of the embryo.

The expectant mother should now start to include Folic acid in her diet if she is to have a healthy baby. Folic acid is vital for the growth and development of the neural tube and a lack of folic acid can lead to a defected neural tube.

Foetal Development at 35 Days Pregnant

The embryo now has a fully functioning heart which is already pumping the formed blood supply around the developing cells. The heart is in early stages of developing and is separating into the chambers which complete the process, but the beating rhythm is irregular at the moment and will later stabilise as the development matures.

The neural tube which has almost fully developed will close this week over the top of the brain and spinal cord connecting them in the process. The first signs of major organs also begin their development during pregnancy week 5 with the initial kidney and liver starting to form.

Tiny buds begin to protrude from the upper and lower body of the embryo which will carry on growing to eventually form the limbs that will become the arms, legs, hands and feet of the baby. The intestines and appendix are already developing rapidly and are in the correct position.

The stalk extends in length and begins to create veins and arteries within the tube that will become the umbilical cord. The umbilical cord as well as carrying vital nutrition and oxygen to the growing embryo will also dispose of unwanted carbon dioxide from the baby to the mother. The carbon dioxide (and many other substance like alcohol, nicotine and drugs) will be filtered out through the placenta.

The opening for the mouth has started to develop in very early stages along with the neck and the jaw line. Facial features are also forming with features like eye retina and nostrils becoming evident.

Ultrasound at 5 Weeks Pregnant

Detection of the pregnancy at week 5 is more visible as the embryo has developed. The embryo is seen as a sac and will be curled up in the shape of the letter C making measurements from head to toe quite difficult and a heart beat is hard to detect at this stage.

Ultrasonographers make a CRL (Crown to Rump Length) measurement of the embryo, which means that the embryo is literally measured from the Crown of the head to the base of the back. This CRL should be around 2mm to 4mm.

Pregnancy Week 6

Week 6

Pregnancy week 6 is still not detectable by your physical image as it is only 28 days after conception has taken place meaning that your usual menstrual period is now two weeks late.

Some women detect pregnancy at this stage as early indicators of pregnancy are now emerging in the forms of tender and swollen breasts, feeling of being bloated and in some cases some minor pelvic discomfort.

Foetal Development at 42 Days Pregnant

The embryo has grown over the last week of pregnancy, but is still miniscule being about the size of an apple pip.

Rapid changes to the embryo are happening now that the process of head and facial features is progressing. The head of the embryo at this stage of pregnancy is somewhat larger than the forming body. On the left and right sides of the head there are bulging dark patches that will become eye sockets, nostrils are simply just openings and where the ears will form are only pits in the sides of the head. The mouth is quite wide as the lower jaw starts he formation before the upper jaw.

The tiny buds that will become the arms and leg limbs of the baby are more apparent, however the hands and feet are still forming and at this stage of pregnancy resemble webbed feet (like that of a frog).

The embryo has a fully functioning heart which has divided into left and right chambers and is beating at a rate double to your own, roughly 130 to 180 beats per minute. The internal organs are beginning to primarily form with the kidneys, stomach, oesophagus and bowel developing well, however at this stage of pregnancy the lungs are merely two buds awaiting development.

Growth of muscle fibres and the pituitary gland are now evident. The pituitary gland (also known as the hypophysis , pituitary body) is a very small oval shaped endocrine gland that is fixed to the base of the vertebrate brain. The contents are both an anterior and posterior lobe that secrete fluids and take control other endocrine glands in the body that are responsible for growth, metabolism and maturation.

Ultrasound at 6 Weeks Pregnant

Detection of the pregnancy at week 6 is more exciting as the development has changed the visibility of the foetus and the beating heart of the baby now can be heard.

The crown to rump length of the foetus is about 3mm to 6mm at week 6 of pregnancy.

Pregnancy Week 7

Week 7

Pregnancy week 7 is 35 days after you have conceived and means that you are in the first trimester of your pregnancy. This is an exceptionally busy period for your body and your baby, although you cannot see pregnancy in a mirror at this stage you are now able to feel all the changes and movements going on inside your body.

During this first trimester of pregnancy most women suffer minor discomfort and anxiety due to morning sickness, which is due to increased hormones during pregnancy. Also during the first trimester of pregnancy the need to pass water increases and can be uncomfortable, this is due to the uterus putting pressure on the bladder.

Regular and gentle exercise has been proven to help reduce some of the discomforts of pregnancy, however do not over do the exercise routine and put yourself and your unborn baby at risk.

Movements from the baby may cause some sensations in your stomach which are often referred to as “butterflies”, however this is usually a pleasant experience and a reassurance that you are no longer alone.

Foetal Development at 49 Days Pregnant

Doubling in size since last week the embryo is now beginning to change and develop at an alarming rate, almost a full 1cm ( about the size of a marble) in body length and in appearance is looking more human on a daily basis.

An optic nerve, retina and lens has developed within the eyes of the embryo. The nostrils are becoming more distinct as the nasal pits develop. An inner ear as well as the outer ear is developing within the embryo.

The growth of a tongue and early signs of teeth are evident within the embryo. Formation of the upper jaw and palate during this week of pregnancy is also underway. The upper jaw will fuse during this week with the palate to become more defined as the facial structure. If the upper jaw and palate do not fuse together then the unborn baby will be at risk of being born with a cleft palate and or a hair lip.

Layers of tissue paper thin skin are now forming and beginning to cover the embryo making the veins vivid and clear to see. fingers and toes are becoming more defined and are starting to lose that webbed like appearance. The trunk of the embryo is starting the straightening process making the tadpole like tail start the receding process in conjunction.

The heart and brain have become specialised and are functioning well within the body of the embryo. Although the liver is also fully functional, it is beginning to excrete quantities of red blood cells as a primary job until the bone marrow is fully formed then can take over this process.

Pancreas and appendix are developing well and even though the sex of the embryo cannot be defined at this early stage of pregnancy, the sexual organs too are developing well.

Movement is ongoing from now on and the embryo will be quite active moving in fits and starts.

Ultrasound at 7 Weeks Pregnant

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Ultrasound Scan at Week 7

 Ultrasound Scans at 7 weeks pregnant should be able to locate the developing foetus a little more easier than an earlier scan. The foetus is clear to see on this scan. The crown to rump length of the foetus is about 1cm at week 7 of pregnancy. Later scans will show a lot more details.